People with type 1 diabetes are generally told that exercising can be risky due to a fear of experiencing hypoglycaemic episodes. As a former Commonwealth cyclist, hearing the risks associated with exercising after my diagnosis at the age of 40, was gut wrenching, but this was information that I was unwilling to accept. I knew if I was persistent, determined and looked in the right places I would find a way to continue my active lifestyle and ultimately be able to demonstrate to other people with type 1 diabetes that they do not have to be ruled by the condition either.
Sure enough, 5 years on and with the help of my insulin pump therapy I have been able to prove my point. Since my diagnosis I have managed to get back to an intensive training regimen, completed a regular marathon and complete the 230k, trans-Saharan, Marathon de Sables which is reputedly the ‘toughest footrace on Earth’.
I know not everyone will want to push themselves to the same limits that I do but my wish is to inspire people to live their best life with diabetes. My motto is simple: Rule diabetes. Don’t let it rule you.
And if you are wondering why the bike shop owning international cyclist switched to running? That’s simple – I get to spend more time with my family.
Find out more about me by following my blogs.