Welcome to my website. Here I will share my daily successes and my struggles living as active a lifestyle as possible, as a Type 1 diabetic.
I’m Roddy Riddle, ex-international road cyclist and type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 40, and up until that point, I knew very little about the condition. My website is about raising awareness of type 1 diabetes and inspiring people to take more control of their condition so they can lead a life without limits. I am living proof that it can be done.
Through this site I will be sharing my experiences of living with diabetes, the challenges I have undertaken and those I am preparing to do in order to show others with type 1 diabetes that it is possible to live a normal, active lifestyle. You will also find links to my social media pages and blog. I’d love to hear from you too, so leave me a comment or tweet using the hash tag #ruleT1D