Unfinished business to take care of.

Now that the dust has settled from my failed attempt at the 2016 352 miles Arctic 6633 Ultra Marathon I’ve decided I’ve got unfinished business to take care of. This years race was always going to be my last race, but in my opinion you are only as good as your last race and for me failing just short of 300 miles in March this year is classed as a failure for me my family and friends and the diabetes community so when entries for the 2017 event recently opened I was one of the first to sign up. I know I’ll be going back a lot wiser, stronger and this years experience can only help me achieve my goal to finish. Mistakes on my behalf I will not let happen again like my bag with all my essential kit going missing causing me to go into the race tired not sleeping worrying it wouldn’t appear, using a two wheeled pulk was my biggest mistake as it bobbed which caused me to have back problems which was the main reason for this years failure in not finishing. Thanks to Frank Fumich from USA who finished 3rd equal this year he asked me after this years race if I was planning to return in 2017, I said almost definitely so he has very kindly left his four wheeled pulk in Whitehorse for me to use next year.

So with only 233 day’s till I’ll be on the start grid of next years race yesterday after a great family holiday in Albuferia in Portugal I made a start on my training. I’ve been putting it of as I’ve not been feeling my toes due to them been numb, they’ve felt like your mouth does when you’ve had a injection at the dentist, thankfully that’s a lot better and a doctor friend told me it was nerve damage from all the impact on my feet. Anyway I thought I’d keep this blog short just to say “I’ve got unfinished business to take care of.” Thanks to everyone for all the support they give, I couldn’t do it without it, Roddy. Xx